HK CFS anunciou que os Goat Cheese por suspeito de estar contaminado pela Listeria monocytogenes


N.º de Ref. 279/2023
Origem da informação Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety (CFS)
Tipos de Informações Retirada de Alimentos
Alimento suspeito

Product name: PALET DU BERRY


Pack size: 150 grams

Place of origin: France
Data de validade / Referência ao lote

Lot number: 3288624, 3319239, 3319293

Best-before date: August 10, 2023; August 25, 2023 and August 31, 2023
Produtor / distribuidor Hong Kong Importer: GOURMET EN PROVENCE LIMITED
Motivo de retirada do mercado The CFS received a notification from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed of the European Commission that the above-mentioned batches of product might have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and are being recalled.
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