Cornucopia Natural Foods recolhe os Cornucopia Organic Foods Brand Organic Unhulled Tahini devido a uma possível contaminação de Salmonella


N.º de Ref. 091/2023
Origem da informação Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), New Zealand
Tipos de Informações Retirada de Alimentos
Alimento suspeito

Product type


Name of product (size)

Cornucopia Organic Foods brand Organic Unhulled Tahini (various weights)

Package size and description

The product is packaged in glass jars of various weights.


This recall does not affect any other Cornucopia Organic Foods brand products.

The product is imported from Turkey, but has been incorrectly labelled as product of Mexico.

The products have not been re-exported.

Data de validade / Referência ao lote

Batch and date marking

All batches, all dates.

Produtor / distribuidor Cornucopia Natural Foods
Motivo de retirada do mercado Cornucopia Natural Foods is recalling all batches and all dates of its Cornucopia Organic Foods brand Organic Unhulled Tahini due to the possible presence of Salmonella.
Informações adicionais