Caro(a) Senhor(a),
Por favor, de encontrar os detalhes abaixo mencionados sobre Alerta Alimentar:
Alimento suspeito | Product name: ブルガリアヨーグルト LB81 プレーン Brand: 明治 Weight: 400g Manufacturing factory: 株式会社 明治 関西工場 |
Data de durabilidade / Lote | Expiry date /manufacturer factory specific code: 23.11.16/+KN 23.11.17/+KN 23.11.18/+KN |
Origem da informação | Meiji Co., Ltd., Japan |
Motivo da Emissão de Alerta | The Meiji Co., Ltd., Japan voluntarily recalls Meiji brand yogurt products due to potential presence of veterinary drug residues (sulfamonomethoxine). |
Conselhos para o sector comercial /consumidor | 1. Please take necessary actions to ensure all products for sale are fit for human consumption. 2. Do not sell or use the above product. 3. Please visit the Food Safety Information website at for latest information. 4. If there are any enquiries, please contact the Department of Food Safety via 28338181. |