My Food Bag Ltd 回收可能受沙门氏菌污染的芝麻酱产品


编号 072/2023
资料来源 Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), New Zealand
资讯类别 食品回收

Product type

Multiple products containing tahini

Name of product (size) and date marking

1.           My Food Bag brand Miso Dressing (100g)

Use By: 17/05/2023, 08/06/2023, 23/08/2023

2.           My Food Bag brand Babaganoush Crema (20g)

Use By: 22/03/2023

3.           My Food Bag brand Tahini Yoghurt (40g)

Use By: 10/03/2023

4.           My Food Bag brand Tahini Yoghurt (100g)

Use By: 10/03/2023

5.           Turkish Kitchen brand Beetroot, Cumin & Thyme Hummus (100g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

6.           Turkish Kitchen brand Beetroot, Cumin & Thyme Hummus (200g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

7.           Turkish Kitchen brand Manuka Smoked Garlic Hummus (200g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

8.           Turkish Kitchen brand Traditional Hummus with Roasted Garlic (50g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

9.           Turkish Kitchen brand Traditional Hummus with Roasted Garlic (100g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

10.       Turkish Kitchen brand Traditional Hummus with Roasted Garlic (200g)

Use By: Between 07/03/2023 up to and including 14/04/2023

Package size and description

The products are sold in 20g, 40g, 50g, 100g and 200g plastic container or sachet.


This recall does not affect any other My Food Bag brand products.

See above.
生产商/分销商 My Food Bag Ltd
回收原因 Due to the possible presence of Salmonella.