HK CFS Announced That Japanese Bottled Alcoholic Drink May be at Risk of Bottle Breakage


Reference Number 232/2023
Source 香港食物安全中心
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

Details of the product are as follows:


Product name: Mikan Liqueur


Place of origin: Japan

Volume: 720 ml
Expiry date/Batch
Best before date: May 31, 2024
Manufacturer/ Distributor Hong Kong Importer: City Super Limited
Reasons for recall The CFS received a notification from the importer that the above-mentioned product may have a risk of leakage due to an increase in pressure inside the bottle. The importer confirmed that it had imported into Hong Kong the affected batch of the product concerned, and has therefore voluntarily initiated a recall as a precautionary measure.
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