*The content of this online food safety standard database includes Administrative Regulation No. 11/2020 “Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foodstuffs” as amended by Administrative Regulation No. 2/2023. In case of discrepancy between the content in this database and that in the above-mentioned Administrative Regulations, the latter shall prevail.



1. The numbers refer to a set of numbers designed for pesticides by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

2. When the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL)/Extraneous Maximum Residue Limit (EMRL) of a certain pesticide applies to a certain food category, it applies to all foods under that food category unless otherwise specified. For relevant classification of food products, please refer to the Guidelines for Classification of Food Products in Relation to “Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foodstuffs” (e.g. lemons belong to the category of “fruits”, “citrus fruits” and “lemons and limes (including citrons)”, so the MRLs/EMRLs for “fruits”, “citrus fruits” and “lemons and limes (including citrons)” also apply to lemons. Therefore, for more information on the specifications of pesticide residues for lemons, please refer to the relevant specifications for lemons as well as those for their parent food categories).