Food Safety Talk for Takeaway Delivery Service


To ensure the safety of food items in food delivery service, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) organises the “Food Safety Talk for Takeaway Delivery Service” targeted at workers rendering delivery service for online food delivery platforms. It aims to raise the level of food safety awareness of food delivery workers through technical exchanges and interactions about food safety knowledge, thereby preventing outbreaks of foodborne diseases.


The “Food Safety Talk for Takeaway Delivery Service” covers case study and elaborates on food safety guidelines formulated by Department of Food Safety. Its content encompasses ways for online food delivery platforms to improve their food safety management; important notes for picking up and checking food delivery; provides methods for time and temperature controls during food delivery, as well as regular cleaning and maintenance. The talk also briefs the participants about the stipulations of the “Food Safety Law”, including duties and responsibilities of online food delivery platforms.


The 1 hour “Food Safety Talk for Takeaway Delivery Service” are conducted by IAM personnel specialised in food safety, on the basis of making an appointment first and then scheduling the talk in your institutions. Interested parties can visit the thematic webpage of “Food Safety Talk for Takeaway Delivery Service” of the website of “Food Safety Information” ( to download the application form for booking the talk. The completed form can be submitted via e-mail (, fax (8296 1234), or in person to the Trade Zone of Department of Food Safety of IAM, located on the first floor of Iao Hon Hawkers’ Building, or any of the Public Services Centre of IAM during office hours. For enquiry, please call 8296 1242 or 8296 1231 during office hours.


In addition, IAM has compiled a series of hygiene guidelines and guides on hygiene practices to ensure the safety of food items in food delivery service, such as “Hygiene Guidelines for Online Food Ordering and Delivery Service (Chinese version only)”, “Guide on Hygiene Practices - Using Online Food Ordering Platforms and Providing Food Delivery Service (F&B Industry)” and infographic about “Food Safety Precautions for Food Delivery Service (For the Reference of Relevant Industries). These guidelines and guides concisely list the key points for food safety for takeaway delivery service. They have already been uploaded to the website of “Food Safety Information” ( and “Food Safety Information” mobile applications for public reference.



Press Release:


Food Safety Highlights市政署辦外賣配送食安講座 助平台完善食安管理23/7/2021



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