Singapore Food Agency Announced That Aflatoxin B1 and Arsenic Were Found in Eu Yan Sang’s Brown Rice Si Shen Powder Samples at a Level Exceeding Singapore’s Legal Limit


Reference Number 110/2023
Source Singapore Food Agency (SFA)
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

Product name: Eu Yan Sang's Brown Rice Si Shen powder


l   Batch No: 120

    Expiry date: 13 May 2024


l   Batch No: 121

    Expiry date: 17 May 2024

Country of origin: Singapore

Expiry date/Batch
See above.
Manufacturer/ Distributor Eu Yan Sang (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Reasons for recall The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected aflatoxin B1 and arsenic in samples of Eu Yan Sang’s Brown Rice Si Shen powder at levels exceeding the maximum limit stated in the Singapore Food Regulations. SFA has directed the manufacturer, Eu Yan Sang (Singapore) Pte Ltd, to recall two affected batches of the product.
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