HK CFS anunciou que os Prepackaged Meal Replacement Product por suspeito de estar contaminado pela Salmonella


Reference Number 285/2023
Source Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety (CFS)
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

Product name: Oatmeal Shake

Brand: Nutri D-Day DIET

Place of origin: Korea

Net weight: 25 grams per pouch x 14 pouches
Expiry date/Batch
Best-before date: February 5, 2025
Manufacturer/ Distributor Hong Kong Distributor: MUSE DIGITAL LIMITED
Reasons for recall
The CFS collected the above-mentioned sample from an online vendor for testing under its routine Food Surveillance Programme. The test result showed the presence of Salmonella in 25 grams of the sample, exceeding the criterion of the Microbiological Guidelines for Food which states that Salmonella should not be detected in 25g of a ready-to-eat food sample.
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