HK CFS Announced That Cadmium Was Found in Prepackaged Dried Lily Bulb Samples at a Level Exceeding Hong Kong’s Legal Limit


Reference Number 376/2023
Source 香港食物安全中心
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

Food name: 頂級百合 (Not available in English)

Brand: 香港啟泰 (Not available in English)

Net weight: 200 grams
Expiry date/Batch
Best-before date: January 01, 2025
Manufacturer/ Distributor N/A
Reasons for recall The Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety (CFS) announced that after considering the factors for dried foods, the above-mentioned sample contained cadmium at a level of 0.53 parts per million, exceeding the Hong Kong’s legal limit of 0.05 parts per million.
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