Food Safety Tips during Summer Times


Food poisoning is especially common in the summer months, because warm temperature favors the multiplication of microorganism. Moreover, people tend to consume greater amounts of cold and raw food during summer, such as ice cream, salads and sandwiches, etc. However, food, if improperly handled, especially when it is left at room temperature for an extended period of time, may facilitate the growth of bacteria and become deteriorated as a result. To prevent food poisoning, we recommend that the public should follow the “Five Keys to Food Safety” guidelines and do their part to ensure food safety.


1.      Maintain personal hygiene and keep utensils and environment clean

l   Wash hands with soap prior to handling or eating food;

l   Wash cutlery and cooking utensils both before and after use;

l   Keep the kitchen and dinning environment clean.


2.      Handle raw and cooked food separately

l  In the refrigerator, store cooked and ready-to-eat foods above raw foods;

l  Use separate cutting boards and cutlery for handling raw and cooked food.


3.      Cook thoroughly

l  Cook food thoroughly until the internal temperature reaches 75 or above;

l  Make sure the juices of meats are clear, not pink;

l  Shellfish must be cooked until the shell opens; after the shell opens, it should be cooked for another five to ten minutes to ensure thorough cooking;

l  Soup and stewed food should be brought to a boil and continue to boil for at least one minute;

l  Do not reheat cooked food more than once; after it is reheated once, the leftover should be disposed.


4.      Keep food at a safe temperature (below 5or above 60)

l  Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours;

l  Refrigerate foods promptly after bringing them home;

l  Keep cooked food or heated food at above 60 before consumption;

l  Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, or under running water for no longer than two hours.


5.      Use safe water and raw materials

l  Choose fresh and hygienic food from reliable sources;

l  Read the labels on the package carefully;

l  Do not purchase food with questionable appearance or unpleasant smell.