Facilitating measures for Macao residents of In-Depth Cooperation Zone to transport animals and plants of certain species and quantities back to Macao through Hengqin port


For the better 'implementation of the “first-tier” relaxed customs administration and the “second-tier” strict customs control' management model of the In-Depth Cooperation Zone and further facilitate movement of people, goods, etc. between Macao and the zone, Macao residents who study, work, run start-up enterprises or live in the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and are included in the “database for the list of applicable personnel that allows Macao residents to transport animal and plant products to the In-depth Cooperation Zone between Guangdong and Macao in Hengqin” (hereinafter referred to as the “database for applicable personnel list”) are allowed to bring specific types and quantities of products of animal and plant origins for personal use or consumption, such as food and flowers, back to Macao through the Hengqin port starting from 1 March without applying for import licenses or making the relevant declarations. Owners of pet dogs and cats who have been included in the aforementioned “database for applicable personnel list” can return to Macao through the Hengqin port with their pet dogs or cats that meet the conditions for exemption from inspection if the animals under their name have been implanted with electronic microchips at the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) and possess the “International Vaccination Certificate for dogs and cats" and a valid “In-Depth Cooperation Zone travel approval” issued by IAM. The above customs measures to facilitate health inspection and the new arrangements will be promulgated in due course through a Chief Executive Writ of Instruction.
Exemption from declaration for specific people to transport certain types and quantities of food products back to Macao through Hengqin port
In order to implement the requirements of the “Overall Development Plan for the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin”, IAM works with the Macao Customs Service to strictly implement the respective provisions and carry out the food and health inspection of animals and plants, in order to guarantee the safety of food, animal and plant, as well as smooth circulation of goods within the zone, facilitating the life and movement of Macao residents in the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.
The new measures to be implemented on 1 March will allow Macao residents who live or work in the In-Depth Cooperation Zone and are included in the “database for applicable personnel list” to transport specified types and quantities of products of animal and plant origins for personal use or consumption back to Macao through the Hengqin port without applying for import licenses or making the relevant declarations. Each person is allowed to carry such products once a day, with their total weight not exceeding five kilograms. The relevant goods include: cooked meats (including offal) and their products, various types of fruits and vegetables, and assorted fresh flowers, etc. The customs will carry out inspection of the products when they pass the port and grant rapid customs clearance to those who meet the conditions.
In-Depth Cooperation Zone travel approval makes it easier for pets to return to Macao with their owners from the zone
For owners of pet dogs and cats who have been included in the above “database for applicable personnel list”, if the dogs and cats under their name have been implanted with electronic microchips at IAM and have a valid anti-rabies vaccination record as well as a satisfactory result of the rabies antibody test recognized by IAM, they only need to submit an application to IAM in advance and can be granted with inspection exemption and will receive the “International Certificate of Vaccination for dogs and cats” and the “In-Depth Cooperation Zone travel approval” issued by IAM. During the period of validity of the approval, holders of the relevant documents may return to Macao via the Hengqin port several times with their pets that meet the conditions for exemption from inspection, with each owner being limited to one pet per trip, as the old procedures of import declaration before each trip, inspection, application for a declaration on the health status of animals, etc. are no longer required.
IAM reminds pet owners that when traveling to the mainland with dogs and cats, they are still required to declare to the China Customs at the port of entry every time, present the animal health certificate issued by IAM, and a valid rabies vaccine record, and undergo on-site inspection. Only those who meet the inspection conditions will be released by the customs.
The above measures to facilitate customs clearance and inspection for Macao residents living in the In-Depth Cooperation Zone will be promulgated through a Chief Executive Writ of Instruction. For details, please refer to the “Official Gazette of the Macao Special Administrative Region” in due course, or browse IAM's dedicated websites “Food Safety Information” and “Animal Health Control”. Meanwhile, IAM reminds other Macao residents or persons that if they bring relevant animal and plant products (such as cooked meats) and pets, or return to Macao through other ports other than the Hengqin port, they are required to make declarations and bookings for inspection in accordance with existing laws and regulations on imported goods.
Goods for personal use or consumption and pets imported from the Macao port area of Hengqin port


Name of goods


Cooked meats (including offal) and their products

1 Kg

Milk and dairy products of animal origin with commercial packaging

3 Kg

Cooked eggs and their products (except fresh eggs)

1 Kg

All kinds of fresh fruits and processed fresh fruit salads with commercial packaging

1 Kg

All kinds of fresh vegetables and processed fresh vegetable salads with commercial packaging

1 Kg

All kinds of fresh mushrooms and processed fresh mushroom salads with commercial packaging

1 Kg

Various assorted flowers

1 Kg

Pet dogs or cats

Limited to one dog or cat at a time