HK CFS Announced That Preservative Sulphur Dioxide Was Found in Prepackaged Red Date and Date Sample


Reference Number 416/2023
Source 香港食物安全中心
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

Product name: SSJ Sliced Red Date
Place of origin: China
Net weight: 500 grams
Best-before date: September 30, 2024
Hong Kong Distributor: Yue Sang Trading Limited

Product name: Dates
(Not available in English)
Place of origin: China
Net weight: 605 grams
Best-before date: October 31, 2024
Hong Kong Packer: Cross International Limited
Expiry date/Batch
See above.
Manufacturer/ Distributor See above.
Reasons for recall The Hong Kong CFS collected the above-mentioned red date and date samples for testing under its routine Food Surveillance Programme. The test results showed that the red date sample contained sulphur dioxide at a level of 1,400 parts per million, exceeding the Hong Kong’s legal limit of 1,000 ppm under the Preservatives in Food Regulation (Cap. 132BD), and the functional class and name of the additive were also not declared on the food label. As for the other date sample, although the level of sulphur dioxide found to be contained in it is below the statutory maximum permitted level, the functional class and the name of the additive were not declared on the food label of the sample.
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