Hillshire Brands Company Recalls Smoked Sausage Products Due to Potential Presence of Extraneous Material


Reference Number 291/2023
Source U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
Type of Information Food Recall
Questionable food products

The ready-to-eat blended meat and poultry smoked sausage items were produced on June 14, 2023. The following products are subject to recall [view labels]:

  • 14-oz. cryovac package containing one rope of "HILLSHIRE FARM SMOKED SAUSAGE MADE WITH PORK, TURKEY, BEEF" with lot codes in the form of the establishment number, line number and time of production in hours:minutes:seconds, "EST. 756A 20 19:00:00 through 21:59:59 and EST. 756A 21 19:00:00 through 21:59:59" and use by date of "Nov 11 23" printed on the front of the package.
The products subject to recall bear establishment number "EST. 756A" printed on the front of the package. 
Expiry date/Batch
See above.
Manufacturer/ Distributor Hillshire Brands Company, a St. Joseph, Mo. establishment
Reasons for recall The problem was discovered when the firm notified FSIS that it received consumer complaints regarding bone fragments in the product. Also, FSIS received one consumer complaint regarding this issue.
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