Themes and Outline of Food Safety Talks

Each session lasts for approximately 40 minutes. It is conducted by designated staff, supported by PowerPoint presentation and accompanied by prize-winning quiz. The themes of talks for this year are as follows: 


Code No.

Lecture Topic
( select one as appropriate )


Prevention of Food Safety Risk


Food Safety and Personal Hygiene

–     Awareness of foodborne illness
–     Tips for food safety and personal hygiene


5 Keys to Food Safety in ABCDE
(Note: Content is quoted from old version of ‘5 Keys to Food Safety’.)

–    Common causes and transmission routes of foodborne diseases
–     Core messages of ‘5 Keys to Food Safety in ABCDE’
–     Application of ‘5 Keys to Food Safety in ABCDE’ to daily life


Concept of Food Safety: ‘From Farm to Table’
(Note: A3 includes the  Introduction of Food Safety Knowledge and the Activity of Guided Instructional Tour at 'IAM Food Information Station'. It takes about 50 minutes in total. )

There are two main parts in A3 lesson.
1. Introduction of Food Safety Knowledge : the Concept of Food Safety ─ ‘From Farm to Table’
2. Activity of Guided Instructional Tour: Visiting ‘Food Information Station’ (Exhibition Theme: Dairy Products)


Time and Temperature Control

–     Common factors causing foodborne illnesses
–      Understanding 'Danger Temperature Zone’
–     Storing food in room temperature and low temperature correctly
–      Defrosting food in proper way
–     Tips for cooking, cooling and reheating food in safe ways


Food Safety for Delivering Food Orders

–     Food safety risks of food delivery and takeaway
–     Food safety precautions for consumers using food delivery service
–     Pay attention to the delivery methods for high-risk food (e.g. using cold-holding equipment throughout delivery)
–      Practicing personal hygiene before eating


Understanding the Incorrect Use of Refrigerator

-       Point out the 6 main misconception about the use of refrigerator by the public
-       Interpret each of the mistakes
-       Provide correct methods for the use and maintenance of refrigerator
-       Recognize the temperatures and methods of food storage

Awareness of Food Safety Risk


Common Foodborne Bacteria

–       Knowledge about pathogens:
·             Bacteria(e.g., Samonella spp.
·             Viruses(e.g., Norovirus)
·             Parasites(e.g., Clonorchis sinensis
–       Examples of food contamination
–       Influences on human health
–       Preventive measures of infection


Common Foodborne Viruses


Common Foodborne Parasites


Common Foodborne Molds

–      Knowledge about pathenogic molds and mycotoxins in food (e.g., aflatoxins)
–      Examples of food contamination
–      Influences on human health
–      Methods to reduce the intake of mycotoxins


Common Natural Toxins  In Food

–     Knowledge about natural toxins in food (e.g., seafood, vegetables, mushroom)
–      Influences on human health
–      Methods to avoid the intake of natural toxins


Food Additives

–       Recognizing food additives
–       Principles of using food additives
–       Food Additives – Food Coloring
·             Knowledge about food coloring and the purpose of usage
·             Identifying food colouring through reading the food label


Pesticide and Veterinary Drug Residues in Food

–     Knowledge about chemical residues in agricultural and meat products(e.g., pesticides, veterinary drug 'Beta-Agonist')
–   Methods to reduce the intake of chemical residues


Common Food Contaminants

–    Understanding the types of contaminants generated during the food prorcessing(e.g., acrylamide)
–    Understanding the types of environmental pollutants exposed to the process of planting and farming(e.g., cadmium)
–    Methods to reduce the intake of contaminants


Common Food Allergens

–       Understanding food allergy
–       Common types of food allergens
–       Methods to avoid food allergens
–      Identifying food allergens through the reading food label


Trans Fat Foods

–    Knowledge about trans fat
–    Examples of common trans fat foods
–    Influences on human health
–    Methods to reduce the consumption of trans fat foods


Understanding the Food Safety Risks of Online Shopping

–   Understanding the IAM mechanism of dual defense check implements to supervise and enforce laws to the online grocery shops
–   Increasing the awareness of food safety risks in online shopping
–    Be a smart consumer and be caution of food selection


Education on Disaster Relief -- Mitigation of Food and Water Safety Risks

–    Knowledge about maintaining the food and water safety after disaster
–    Methods of cleaning, disinfection, restoration and maintenance to food commodities and facilities
–   Offering practical advices to food industry and consumers


Understanding Food Safety Standards of Macao to Maintain its Food Safety with Concerted Efforts

–    Learning about food safety standards of Macao
–     Recognizing facts whether an ‘exceeding maximum limit’ of testing result equals to an imminent health hazard
–     Relationship between food safety standards and our daily life
–     Maintaining food safety in Macao - Be familiar with the ‘5 Keys to Food Safety in ABCDE’



Radionuclides Contamination and Food Safety

–    Understanding radiation
–   Relation between radionuclides contamination and food safety
–     Monitoring and regulation of food
–     Safeguarding food safety in everyday life

Food Nutrition and Wellness


Nutritional Value of Grains and Cereals

–       Food pyramid
–       Knowledge of 5 Grains and Cereal
–      Understanding plantation process, structure, classification and nutrition of rice
–       Keys to safe consumption


Nutritional Value of Fruits and Vegetables

–       Food pyramid
–       Understanding the colors of fruits and vegetables effect on nutrients
–      Health effects of natural antioxidants in fruits and vegetables
–       High fiber food with healthy diet
–       Keys to safe consumption


Nutritional Value of  Edible Oil

–       Food pyramid
–       Knowledge about edilble oil and its nutrients
–       Relationship between fats and health
–       Keys to safe consumption


Sodium and Sugar in Food

–       Dietary sources of sodium (salt) and sugar
–       Health effects
–       Knowledge about the ‘Recommended Dietary Allowances’, and ways to reduce the amount of sodium and sugar in our diet
–       Making use of the nutrition labels to select low-sodium and low-sugar food