SOFIA PRODUCE, LLC擴大回收可能受沙門氏菌污染的哈密瓜 (更新)


編號 391/2023
資料來源 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)
資訊類別 食品回收

All sizes of fresh cantaloupes packaged in cardboard containers labeled with the “Malichita” label, and also labeled with the “Rudy” label to include all cantaloupes sold between the dates of October 10, 2023 and November 3, 2023.


The Malichita brand cantaloupes are packaged in cardboard containers bearing the “Malichita” label. The Malichita brand cantaloupes also have an individual PLU sticker placed upon each cantaloupe in the form of the attached picture. As shown in the picture, the PLU sticker has a top half which is white which has the word “Malichita” written in script in black letters. The bottom of the PLU sticker is black and has the number “4050” prominently displayed in white letters together with the words “Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique”. This label will identify individual Malichita cantaloupes purchased by consumers.


The Rudy brand cantaloupes are packaged in cardboard containers bearing the “Rudy” label (picture attached). The Rudy brand cantaloupes also have an individual PLU sticker placed upon each cantaloupe in the form of the attached picture. As shown in the picture, the PLU sticker 4050 This label will identify individual Rudy cantaloupes purchased by consumers.
See above.
生產商/分銷商 SOFIA PRODUCE, LLC, of Nogales, Arizona
Trufresh has been advised that there are 97 illnesses reported to date that have been associated with this strain of Salmonella. Trufresh began this recall after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) determined that Malichita cantaloupes have possible Salmonella contamination. The CFIA’s original recall was for possible Salmonella contamination of cantaloupes packaged with the same Malichita label and the same PLU sold to Fruits et Légumes Gaétan Bono. Trufresh is expanding the recall to encompass all cantaloupes under the Malichita brand and also the Rudy brand as a precautionary step.