Heng Yoon Trading Pte Ltd回收可能存在食用风险的酱油


编号 382/2022
资料来源 Singapore Food Agency
资讯类别 食品回收

Product name: Hand Flower Brand Soy Sauce

Country of origin: Malaysia

Batch number: KSS0 125

Expiry Date: 26/07/2025
生产商/分销商 Importer: Heng Yoon Trading Pte Ltd
回收原因 The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected benzoic acid, a food additive, at levels exceeding the regulatory limit for sauces stated in the Singapore Food Regulations in Hand Flower Brand Soy Sauce. In addition, the use of benzoic acid is not declared on the food packaging label. As a precautionary measure, SFA has directed the importer, Heng Yoon Trading Pte Ltd, to recall the implicated product.