The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Ltd recolhe os Southern Ocean Brand New Zealand King Salmon Cold Smoked Salmon Pieces por suspeita de erro na data de validade


N.º de Ref. 026/2022
Origem da informação Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), New Zealand
Tipos de Informações Outros
Alimento suspeito

Product identification

Product type

Smoked salmon

Name of product (size)

Southern Ocean brand New Zealand King Salmon Cold Smoked Salmon Pieces (300g)

Package size and description

The product is sold in a 300g plastic package.


This recall does not affect any other Southern Ocean brand products or any other products from The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Ltd.

Data de validade / Referência ao lote

Date marking


Produtor / distribuidor The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Ltd
Motivo de retirada do mercado The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Ltd is recalling its Southern Ocean brand New Zealand King Salmon Cold Smoked Salmon Pieces (300g) due to product being labelled with an incorrect use-by date.
Informações adicionais